Friday, June 7, 2013

Who Will Be There For Me

Every single day it is the same story, I listen to other peoples problems. They rant about the issues of their life while I sit in silence. Occasionally I will make a comment and give a sigh so they know I am still listening. In the end, I offer a helping hand or some words of advice. It is all in confidence and respect. But after it is all said and done, who will be there to listen to my problems. These people are my close friends, but there will never room for discussion on my issues. When will it be my turn to let out the pain and have a shoulder to lean on and cry. The pain I bare is my own, and it is something I carry everyday. The hurt of isolation. The pain of a broken heart. All I could ever want is my family nearby and a man to call mine. These are things I will never attain. At night I wonder what it might be like, but all it causes is sorrow. So for now I tuck my feelings of hurt away and listen to the difficulties of everyone else's lives.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Custom Monogram Canvas Painting

I decided to be little artistic and add some southern sass to my room. I create this hand-painted monogram paintings on canvas. 

The "H" & "S" are on 11x14 canvases. The "F" is a 12x16 canvas. 

I will admit the first one was a stencil and took me an entire day to complete. Then again I will brag about my artistic ability slightly, after using the stencil the paint started to cake on it and the stencil did not turn out as fine lined. So after every use I had to go back over with a fine end paint brush and fix the edges. After a total of 8 hours it was complete. 

The second and third were simple patterns. I just used a ruler to make the measurements, and make everything even. 

The font is Harrington, I just traced it onto a piece of computer paper and cut them out. The colors I used were Americana's Terra Coral, Anita's Acrylic White, and Anita's Acrylic Purple.